Meet The Spartans

Jackson Miller

Jackson Miller

Finance Manager

What kind of work do you do at Sparta Finance?

The simple answer for what I do at Sparta is to get people qualified and in a position to be financed. In the end though I think it’s a lot more than that. It’s about getting parents outside with there kids. Getting young adults their first loans, and setting people up for a brighter future.

What is your favorite quote or life lesson?

God lets everything happen for a reason. It’s all a learning process, and you have to go from one level to another.
– Mike Tyson

 Where is your hometown?

Originally born in Calgary, I moved out to Victoria when I was 11 years old and spent the remainder of my time on the beaches here!

What do you love most about helping others?

What I love most about helping others is the outcome in the end. There’s no better feeling in the world than knowing you helped someone accomplish a dream and the enjoyment on their face when they’re out enjoying a new machine.

Where are your top 3 favorite places and why?

Out of everywhere in the world I could be, the beach is an unbeatable place. I love the beach for many reasons but what makes it so special is you can be there alone or with friends and enjoy it just as much either way. Restaurants and campsites are my next favourite places. Enjoying nice food or a campfire with friends will always be a memorable and great experience!

Who is your favorite superhero, hero, character or person and why?

Venom is definitely one of my favourite superheroes. This is because he’s both a hero and a villain in one fighting against all odds to do good and look after who he cares about. Something I try and carry into my own life.

What is your favorite food?

I’m very passionate about working out and try to always push my body to new limits. As most people know the gym never starts as a passion. However, after a few dedicated months it becomes a healing and stress relieving exercise that benefits in every other task I pursue.

What makes you extraordinary?

What makes me extraordinary is my willingness too learn. By having an extreme want to learn I am always able to take the most out of situations good or bad. It allows me to take harsh criticism and make a positive. This keeps my mind in the right space and allows for unlimited growth.